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Layouts are built with custom elements tagged with styles. The custom elements are prefixed with sgds and have no embedded logic.

Template Grid image
Template Grid

A CSS grid for the standard web application page layouts. It accepts three children: Side Navigation, Content Area and Table of Content Area.

Side Navigation Area image
Side Navigation Area

Side Navigation Area is the child of Template Grid and positioned at the left-most of the page. It is a container with stylings meant for a single side navigation component.

Content Area image
Content Area

Content Area is the child of Template Grid and is positioned at the center of the page. It is a flexbox and accepts multiple children.

Table of Content Area image
Table of Content Area

Table of Content Area is the child of Template Grid and is positioned at the right-most of the page. It is container with stylings meant for a single table of content component.


Latest version 2.2.0